• Su denominación social es: Roaslink Marketing Services SLU (en adelante Roaslink)
  • Su CIF: B56393929
  • Su domicilio social es: C/ Ortega y Gasset 4 P5 – Ogíjares – 18151 (Granada)
  • Su actividad social es: Creación y Difusión Digital de anuncios Publicitarios
  • Correo electrónico: info@roaslink.marketing
  • Finalidad de sitio web: Gestión Publicidad digital


Responsable del tratamiento

Datos de contacto del responsable: José Romero y correo electrónico de contacto info@roaslink.marketing


Cómo ejercitar tus derechos: Puedes dirigir una comunicación por escrito al domicilio social de Roaslink o a la dirección de correo electrónico indicado en el encabezamiento de este aviso legal, incluyendo en ambos casos fotocopia de su DNI u otro documento identificativo similar, para solicitar el ejercicio de los derechos siguientes:

  • Derecho a solicitar el acceso a los datos personales: podrás preguntar a Roaslink si esta empresa está tratando tus datos.
  • Derecho a solicitar su rectificación (en caso de que sean incorrectos).
  • Derecho a solicitar la limitación de su tratamiento, en cuyo caso únicamente serán conservados por Roaslink para el ejercicio o la defensa de reclamaciones.
  • Derecho a oponerte al tratamiento: Roaslink dejará de tratar los datos en la forma que indiques, salvo que por motivos legítimos imperiosos o el ejercicio o la defensa de posibles reclamaciones se tengan que seguir tratando.
  • Derecho a la portabilidad de los datos: en caso de que quieras que tus datos sean tratados por otra firma, Roaslink te facilitará la portabilidad de tus datos al nuevo responsable.
  • Derecho al borrado de los datos: y salvo imperativo legal se borrarán tras tu confirmación.

Modelos, formularios y más información sobre tus derechos: Página oficial de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos Posibilidad de retirar el consentimiento: en el caso de que hayas otorgado el consentimiento para alguna finalidad específica, tienes derecho a retirarlo en cualquier momento, sin que ello afecte a la licitud del tratamiento basado en el consentimiento previo a su retirada. Cómo reclamar ante la Autoridad de Control: Si consideras que hay un problema con la forma en que Roaslink está manejando tus datos, puedes dirigir tus reclamaciones al Responsable de Seguridad de Roaslink (indicado arriba) o a la autoridad de protección de datos que corresponda, siendo la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, la indicada en el caso de España.

Derecho al olvido y acceso a tus datos personales

En todo momento tendrás derecho a revisar, recuperar, anonimizar y/o borrar, total o parcialmente, los datos almacenados en el Sitio Web. Solo tienes que enviar un correo electrónico a info@roaslink.marketing y solicitarlo.

Conservación de los datos

Datos desagregados: Los datos desagregados serán conservados sin plazo de supresión. Datos de los clientes de la tienda online: El periodo de conservación de los datos personales variará en función del servicio que el cliente contrate en Roaslink. En cualquier caso, será el mínimo necesario, pudiendo mantenerse hasta:

  • 4 años: Ley sobre Infracciones y Sanciones en el Orden Social (obligaciones en materia de afiliación, altas, bajas, cotización, pago de salarios…); Arts. 66 y sig. Ley General Tributaria (libros de contabilidad…);
  • 5 años: Art. 1964 Código Civil (acciones personales sin plazo especial)
  • 6 años: Art. 30 Código de Comercio (libros de contabilidad, facturas…)
  • 10 años: Art. 25 Ley de Prevención del Blanqueo de Capitales y Financiación del Terrorismo.

Datos de los suscriptores al feed por e-mail: Desde que el usuario se suscribe hasta que se da de baja. Datos de los suscriptores a la newsletter: Desde que el usuario se suscribe hasta que se da de baja. Datos de usuarios subidos por Roaslink a páginas y perfiles en redes sociales: Desde que el usuario ofrece su consentimiento hasta que lo retira.

Secreto y seguridad de los datos

Roaslink se compromete en la utilización de los datos, a respetar su confidencialidad y a utilizarlos de acuerdo con la finalidad de los mismos, así como a dar cumplimiento a su obligación de guardarlos y adaptar todas las medidas para evitar la alteración, pérdida, tratamiento o acceso no autorizado, de conformidad con lo establecido en el Real Decreto 1720/2007 de 21 de diciembre por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de desarrollo de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal. Tú garantizas que los datos personales facilitados a través de los formulario son veraces, quedando obligado a comunicar cualquier modificación de los mismos. Igualmente, garantizas que toda la información facilitada corresponde con tu situación real, que está puesta al día y es exacta. Además debes mantener en todo momento tus datos actualizados, siendo el único responsable de la inexactitud o falsedad de los datos facilitados y de los perjuicios que pueda causar por ello a Roaslink, o a terceros con motivo de la utilización de dichos datos.

Brechas de seguridad

Roaslink adopta medidas de seguridad razonablemente adecuadas para detectar la existencia de virus, ataques de fuerza bruta e inyecciones de código. No obstante, debes ser consciente de que las medidas de seguridad de los sistemas informáticos en Internet no son enteramente fiables y que, por tanto Roaslink no puede garantizar la inexistencia de virus u otros elementos que puedan producir alteraciones en los sistemas informáticos (software y hardware) del Usuario o en sus documentos electrónicos y ficheros contenidos en los mismos. A pesar de ello, para tratar de garantizar la seguridad y privacidad de tus datos personales, Roaslink dispone de un sistema de vigilancia de seguridad activo que informa de cada actividad de los usuarios y posibles brechas en la seguridad de los datos de los usuarios. En caso de detectarse alguna brecha, Roaslink se compromete a informar a los usuarios en el plazo máximo de 72 horas.


Todos los productos y servicios ofertados en el sitio web remiten a formularios de contacto, formularios de comentarios y formularios para efectuar registros de usuario, suscripción a newsletter y/o pedidos de compra. Este sitio web siempre requiere el consentimiento previo de los usuarios para tratar sus datos personales con los fines indicados. Tienes derecho a revocar tu consentimiento previo en cualquier momento.

Registro de actividades de tratamiento de los datos

Web y hosting: Roaslink cuenta con un cifrado SSL TLS v.1.2 que permite el envío seguro de datos personales a través de formularios de contacto de tipo estándar, alojados en los servidores que Roaslink ha contratado a Grupo Loading Systems, S.L. Datos recabados a través de la web: Los datos personales recogidos serán objeto de tratamiento automatizado e incorporados a los correspondientes ficheros de los que Roaslink es titular.

  • Nos llegará tu IP, que será usada para comprobar el origen del mensaje con objeto de ofrecerte información, protección contra comentarios SPAM y para detectar posibles irregularidades (por ejemplo: partes opuestas del mismo caso escriben en el sitio web desde la misma IP), así como datos relativos a su ISP.
  • Asimismo, podrás facilitarnos tus datos a través correo electrónico y otros medios de comunicación indicados en la sección de contacto.

Formulario de comentarios: En la web existe la posibilidad de que los usuarios dejen comentarios a las publicaciones del sitio. Existe una cookie que almacena los datos facilitados por el usuario para que no tenga que volver a introducirlos en cada nueva visita y además se recogen internamente la dirección de email, nombre, web y la dirección IP. Los datos están almacenados en los servidores de Grupo Loading Systems, S.L. Registro de usuarios: No se admiten salvo petición expresa. Formulario de compra: Para acceder a los productos y servicios ofertados en Roaslink, el usuario dispone de un formulario de compra sujeto a las condiciones de contratación especificadas en nuestra política comercial y condiciones de contratación donde se le requerirán datos de contacto y de pago. Los datos están almacenados en los servidores de Grupo Loading Systems, S.L. Recopilamos información sobre ti durante el proceso de pago en nuestra tienda. Esta información puede incluir, y no solo esto, tu nombre, dirección, correo electrónico, teléfono, detalles de pago y otros necesarios para poder procesar tus pedidos. La gestión de estos datos nos permite:

  • Enviarte información importante de tu cuenta/pedido/servicio.
  • Responder a tus peticiones, quejas y solicitudes de reembolso.
  • Procesar pagos y evitar transacciones fraudulentas.
  • Configurar y administrar tu cuenta, darte servicio técnico y de cliente, y verificar tu identidad.

Adicionalmente, puede que también recopilemos la siguiente información:

Ubicación y datos de tráfico (incluida la dirección IP y el navegador) si haces un pedido, o si necesitamos estimar impuestos y costes de envío basados en tu ubicación.

  • Páginas de producto visitadas y contenido visualizado mientras tu sesión está activa.
  • Tus comentarios y reseñas de productos si eliges dejarlas .
  • Dirección de envío si pides costes de envío antes de hacer la compra mientras tu sesión está activa.
  • Cookies esenciales para hacer el seguimiento de los contenidos de tu carrito mientras tu sesión está activa.
  • Correo y contraseña de tu cuenta para permitirte acceder a tu cuenta, si tienes una.
  • Si creas una cuenta guardamos tu nombre, dirección y teléfono, para usarlos en tus futuros pedidos.

Formularios de suscripción a Newsletter: Roaslink utiliza el servicio de envío de newsletters (boletines por correo electrónico) de Streak, empresa ubicada en EE.UU, que almacena tus datos de correo electrónico, nombre y aceptación de la suscripción. Puedes anular en cualquier momento la suscripción al boletín mediante un enlace específico situado al fondo de cada envío que recibas Correo electrónico: Nuestro prestador de servicios de correo electrónico es Google, Inc, a través de Google Apps para empresas. Mensajería instantánea: Roaslink no presta servicio a través de mensajería instantánea como, por ejemplo, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger o Line. Prestadores de servicios de pago: A través de Roaslink , puedes acceder, por medio de enlaces, a sitios web de terceros, como PayPal, Stripe o Sabadell para realizar pagos de los servicios prestados por Roaslink. En ningún momento el personal de Roaslink tiene acceso a los datos bancarios (por ejemplo, el número de tarjeta de crédito) que facilites a dichos terceros.

Contenido incrustado desde otras webs

Los artículos de Roaslink pueden incluir contenido incrustado (p.ej. vídeos, imágenes, artículos, etc.). El contenido incrustado desde otras webs se comporta del mismo modo que si el visitante ha visitado la otra web. Estas webs pueden recopilar datos sobre ti, usar cookies, incrustar seguimiento de terceros, y vigilar tu interacción con el contenido incrustado, incluido el seguimiento de tu interacción con el contenido incrustado si tienes una cuenta o estás conectado a esa web. Otros servicios: Ciertos servicios prestados a través del sitio web Roaslink.marketing pueden contener condiciones particulares con previsiones específicas en materia de protección de datos personales. Se hace indispensable su lectura y aceptación con carácter previo a la solicitud del servicio de que se trate. Finalidad y legitimación: La finalidad del tratamiento de estos datos será únicamente la de prestarte la información o servicios que nos solicites.

Redes sociales

Presencia en redes: Roaslink cuenta con perfiles en algunas de las principales redes sociales de Internet. Finalidad y legitimación: El tratamiento que Roaslink llevará a cabo con los datos dentro de cada una de las referidas redes será, como máximo, el que la red social permita a los perfiles corporativos. Así pues, Roaslink podrá informar, cuando la ley no lo prohíba, a sus seguidores por cualquier vía que la red social permita sobre sus actividades, ponencias, ofertas, así como prestar servicio personalizado de atención al cliente. Extracción de datos: En ningún caso Roaslink extraerá datos de las redes sociales, a menos que se obtuviera puntual y expresamente el consentimiento del usuario para ello. Derechos: Cuando, debido a la propia naturaleza de las redes sociales, el ejercicio efectivo de los derechos de protección de datos del seguidor quede supeditado a la modificación del perfil personal de este, Roaslink te ayudará y aconsejará a tal fin en la medida de sus posibilidades.

Encargados del tratamiento fuera de la UE

Almacenamiento y cifrado. Roaslink utiliza servicios de almacenamiento cifrado de Google Inc a través de Google Drive. Correo electrónico. El servicio de correo electrónico de Roaslink se presta usando los servicios de Google Inc. a través de Google Apps. Redes Sociales. Roaslink hace uso de las redes sociales estadounidenses YouTube, Facebook y Twitter, a quien se realiza una transferencia internacional de datos, de tipo analíticos y técnicos en relación con el sitio web siendo en sus servidores en los que Roaslink trata los datos que, a través de ellas, los usuarios, suscriptores o navegantes entregan a la firma Roaslink o comparten con esta. Prestadores de pago. Para que puedas pagar a través de PayPal o Stripe, Roaslink enviará los datos estrictamente necesarios de aquellos a estos procesadores de pago para la emisión de la correspondiente solicitud de pago. Tu información está protegida de acuerdo a nuestra política de privacidad y cookies. Al activar una suscripción o facilitar tus datos de pago, comprendes y aceptas nuestra política de privacidad y cookies. Siempre tendrás derecho al acceso, rectificación, supresión, limitación, portabilidad y olvido de tus datos. Desde el momento en que te registras como usuario en esta web, Roaslink tiene acceso a: Nombre de usuario y correo electrónico, dirección IP, dirección postal, DNI/CIF y datos de pago. En todo caso Roaslink se reserva el derecho de modificar, en cualquier momento y sin necesidad de previo aviso, pero informando, la presentación y configuración del sitio web Roaslink.marketing como el presente aviso legal.

Compromisos y obligaciones con nuestros usuarios

El acceso y/o uso de Roaslink.marketing atribuye a quien lo realiza la condición de usuario, aceptando, desde este mismo momento, plenamente y sin reserva alguna, el presente aviso legal en relación con determinados servicios y contenidos de Roaslink. En la utilización de Roaslink el usuario se compromete a no llevar a cabo ninguna conducta que pudiera dañar la imagen, los intereses y los derechos de Roaslink o de terceros o que pudiera dañar, inutilizar o sobrecargar el portal Roaslink o que impidiera, de cualquier forma, la normal utilización de Roaslink.


Last updated March 07, 2024

This privacy notice for Roaslink Marketing Services SLU (doing business as Roaslink) ('we', 'us', or 'our'), describes how and why we might collect, store, use, and/or share ('process') your information when you use our services ('Services'), such as when you:
  • Visit our website at https://roaslink.marketing/content/6-politica-de-privacidad, or any website of ours that links to this privacy notice
  • Engage with us in other related ways, including any sales, marketing, or events
Questions or concerns? Reading this privacy notice will help you understand your privacy rights and choices. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, please do not use our Services. If you still have any questions or concerns, please contact us at info@roaslink.marketing.


This summary provides key points from our privacy notice, but you can find out more details about any of these topics by clicking the link following each key point or by using our table of contents below to find the section you are looking for.

What personal information do we process? When you visit, use, or navigate our Services, we may process personal information depending on how you interact with us and the Services, the choices you make, and the products and features you use. Learn more about personal information you disclose to us.

Do we process any sensitive personal information? We do not process sensitive personal information.

Do we receive any information from third parties? We may receive information from public databases, marketing partners, social media platforms, and other outside sources. Learn more about information collected from other sources.

How do we process your information? We process your information to provide, improve, and administer our Services, communicate with you, for security and fraud prevention, and to comply with law. We may also process your information for other purposes with your consent. We process your information only when we have a valid legal reason to do so. Learn more about how we process your information.

In what situations and with which types of parties do we share personal information? We may share information in specific situations and with specific categories of third parties. Learn more about when and with whom we share your personal information.

How do we keep your information safe? We have organisational and technical processes and procedures in place to protect your personal information. However, no electronic transmission over the internet or information storage technology can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, so we cannot promise or guarantee that hackers, cybercriminals, or other unauthorised third parties will not be able to defeat our security and improperly collect, access, steal, or modify your information. Learn more about how we keep your information safe.

What are your rights? Depending on where you are located geographically, the applicable privacy law may mean you have certain rights regarding your personal information. Learn more about your privacy rights.

How do you exercise your rights? The easiest way to exercise your rights is by submitting a data subject access request, or by contacting us. We will consider and act upon any request in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Want to learn more about what we do with any information we collect? Review the privacy notice in full.



Personal information you disclose to us

In Short: We collect personal information that you provide to us.

We collect personal information that you voluntarily provide to us when you register on the Services, express an interest in obtaining information about us or our products and Services, when you participate in activities on the Services, or otherwise when you contact us.

Personal Information Provided by You. The personal information that we collect depends on the context of your interactions with us and the Services, the choices you make, and the products and features you use. The personal information we collect may include the following:
  • names
  • phone numbers
  • email addresses
  • usernames
  • passwords
  • contact preferences
  • billing addresses
  • contact or authentication data
  • mailing addresses
  • job titles
Sensitive Information. We do not process sensitive information.

Payment Data. We may collect data necessary to process your payment if you make purchases, such as your payment instrument number, and the security code associated with your payment instrument. All payment data is stored by Roaslink Marketing Services SLU. You may find their privacy notice link(s) here: https://roaslink.marketing/content/6-politica-de-privacidad.

Social Media Login Data. We may provide you with the option to register with us using your existing social media account details, like your Facebook, Twitter, or other social media account. If you choose to register in this way, we will collect the information described in the section called 'HOW DO WE HANDLE YOUR SOCIAL LOGINS?' below.

All personal information that you provide to us must be true, complete, and accurate, and you must notify us of any changes to such personal information.

Information automatically collected

In Short: Some information — such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address and/or browser and device characteristics — is collected automatically when you visit our Services.

We automatically collect certain information when you visit, use, or navigate the Services. This information does not reveal your specific identity (like your name or contact information) but may include device and usage information, such as your IP address, browser and device characteristics, operating system, language preferences, referring URLs, device name, country, location, information about how and when you use our Services, and other technical information. This information is primarily needed to maintain the security and operation of our Services, and for our internal analytics and reporting purposes.

Like many businesses, we also collect information through cookies and similar technologies. You can find out more about this in our Cookie Notice: https://roaslink.marketing/content/7-politica-de-cookies.

The information we collect includes:
  • Log and Usage Data. Log and usage data is service-related, diagnostic, usage, and performance information our servers automatically collect when you access or use our Services and which we record in log files. Depending on how you interact with us, this log data may include your IP address, device information, browser type, and settings and information about your activity in the Services (such as the date/time stamps associated with your usage, pages and files viewed, searches, and other actions you take such as which features you use), device event information (such as system activity, error reports (sometimes called 'crash dumps'), and hardware settings).
  • Device Data. We collect device data such as information about your computer, phone, tablet, or other device you use to access the Services. Depending on the device used, this device data may include information such as your IP address (or proxy server), device and application identification numbers, location, browser type, hardware model, Internet service provider and/or mobile carrier, operating system, and system configuration information.
  • Location Data. We collect location data such as information about your device's location, which can be either precise or imprecise. How much information we collect depends on the type and settings of the device you use to access the Services. For example, we may use GPS and other technologies to collect geolocation data that tells us your current location (based on your IP address). You can opt out of allowing us to collect this information either by refusing access to the information or by disabling your Location setting on your device. However, if you choose to opt out, you may not be able to use certain aspects of the Services.
Information collected from other sources

In Short: We may collect limited data from public databases, marketing partners, social media platforms, and other outside sources.

In order to enhance our ability to provide relevant marketing, offers, and services to you and update our records, we may obtain information about you from other sources, such as public databases, joint marketing partners, affiliate programs, data providers, social media platforms, and from other third parties. This information includes mailing addresses, job titles, email addresses, phone numbers, intent data (or user behaviour data), Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, social media profiles, social media URLs, and custom profiles, for purposes of targeted advertising and event promotion. If you interact with us on a social media platform using your social media account (e.g. Facebook or Twitter), we receive personal information about you such as your name, email address, and gender. Any personal information that we collect from your social media account depends on your social media account's privacy settings.


In Short: We process your information to provide, improve, and administer our Services, communicate with you, for security and fraud prevention, and to comply with law. We may also process your information for other purposes with your consent.

We process your personal information for a variety of reasons, depending on how you interact with our Services, including:
  • To facilitate account creation and authentication and otherwise manage user accounts. We may process your information so you can create and log in to your account, as well as keep your account in working order.
  • To deliver and facilitate delivery of services to the user. We may process your information to provide you with the requested service.
  • To respond to user inquiries/offer support to users. We may process your information to respond to your inquiries and solve any potential issues you might have with the requested service.
  • To send administrative information to you. We may process your information to send you details about our products and services, changes to our terms and policies, and other similar information.
  • To fulfil and manage your orders. We may process your information to fulfil and manage your orders, payments, returns, and exchanges made through the Services.

  • To enable user-to-user communications. We may process your information if you choose to use any of our offerings that allow for communication with another user.

  • To request feedback. We may process your information when necessary to request feedback and to contact you about your use of our Services.

  • To send you marketing and promotional communications. We may process the personal information you send to us for our marketing purposes, if this is in accordance with your marketing preferences. You can opt out of our marketing emails at any time. For more information, see 'WHAT ARE YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS?' below.
  • To deliver targeted advertising to you. We may process your information to develop and display personalised content and advertising tailored to your interests, location, and more. For more information see our Cookie Notice: https://roaslink.marketing/content/7-politica-de-cookies.
  • To post testimonials. We post testimonials on our Services that may contain personal information.
  • To protect our Services. We may process your information as part of our efforts to keep our Services safe and secure, including fraud monitoring and prevention.
  • To administer prize draws and competitions. We may process your information to administer prize draws and competitions.
  • To evaluate and improve our Services, products, marketing, and your experience. We may process your information when we believe it is necessary to identify usage trends, determine the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns, and to evaluate and improve our Services, products, marketing, and your experience.
  • To identify usage trends. We may process information about how you use our Services to better understand how they are being used so we can improve them.
  • To determine the effectiveness of our marketing and promotional campaigns. We may process your information to better understand how to provide marketing and promotional campaigns that are most relevant to you.
  • To comply with our legal obligations. We may process your information to comply with our legal obligations, respond to legal requests, and exercise, establish, or defend our legal rights.


In Short: We may share information in specific situations described in this section and/or with the following categories of third parties.

Vendors, Consultants, and Other Third-Party Service Providers. We may share your data with third-party vendors, service providers, contractors, or agents ('third parties') who perform services for us or on our behalf and require access to such information to do that work. We have contracts in place with our third parties, which are designed to help safeguard your personal information. This means that they cannot do anything with your personal information unless we have instructed them to do it. They will also not share your personal information with any organisation apart from us. They also commit to protect the data they hold on our behalf and to retain it for the period we instruct. The categories of third parties we may share personal information with are as follows:
  • Ad Networks
  • Affiliate Marketing Programs
  • Cloud Computing Services
  • Communication & Collaboration Tools
  • Data Analytics Services
  • Data Storage Service Providers
  • Finance & Accounting Tools
  • Government Entities
  • Order Fulfilment Service Providers
  • Payment Processors
  • Performance Monitoring Tools
  • Product Engineering & Design Tools
  • Retargeting Platforms
  • Sales & Marketing Tools
  • Social Networks
  • Testing Tools
  • User Account Registration & Authentication Services
  • Website Hosting Service Providers

We also may need to share your personal information in the following situations:
  • Business Transfers. We may share or transfer your information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company.
  • Affiliates. We may share your information with our affiliates, in which case we will require those affiliates to honour this privacy notice. Affiliates include our parent company and any subsidiaries, joint venture partners, or other companies that we control or that are under common control with us.
  • Business Partners. We may share your information with our business partners to offer you certain products, services, or promotions.
  • Other Users. When you share personal information (for example, by posting comments, contributions, or other content to the Services) or otherwise interact with public areas of the Services, such personal information may be viewed by all users and may be publicly made available outside the Services in perpetuity. If you interact with other users of our Services and register for our Services through a social network (such as Facebook), your contacts on the social network will see your name, profile photo, and descriptions of your activity. Similarly, other users will be able to view descriptions of your activity, communicate with you within our Services, and view your profile.


In Short: We are not responsible for the safety of any information that you share with third parties that we may link to or who advertise on our Services, but are not affiliated with, our Services.

The Services may link to third-party websites, online services, or mobile applications and/or contain advertisements from third parties that are not affiliated with us and which may link to other websites, services, or applications. Accordingly, we do not make any guarantee regarding any such third parties, and we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the use of such third-party websites, services, or applications. The inclusion of a link towards a third-party website, service, or application does not imply an endorsement by us. We cannot guarantee the safety and privacy of data you provide to any third parties. Any data collected by third parties is not covered by this privacy notice. We are not responsible for the content or privacy and security practices and policies of any third parties, including other websites, services, or applications that may be linked to or from the Services. You should review the policies of such third parties and contact them directly to respond to your questions.


In Short: We may use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect and store your information.

We may use cookies and similar tracking technologies (like web beacons and pixels) to access or store information. Specific information about how we use such technologies and how you can refuse certain cookies is set out in our Cookie Notice: https://roaslink.marketing/content/7-politica-de-cookies.


In Short: If you choose to register or log in to our Services using a social media account, we may have access to certain information about you.

Our Services offer you the ability to register and log in using your third-party social media account details (like your Facebook or Twitter logins). Where you choose to do this, we will receive certain profile information about you from your social media provider. The profile information we receive may vary depending on the social media provider concerned, but will often include your name, email address, friends list, and profile picture, as well as other information you choose to make public on such a social media platform.

We will use the information we receive only for the purposes that are described in this privacy notice or that are otherwise made clear to you on the relevant Services. Please note that we do not control, and are not responsible for, other uses of your personal information by your third-party social media provider. We recommend that you review their privacy notice to understand how they collect, use, and share your personal information, and how you can set your privacy preferences on their sites and apps.


In Short: We keep your information for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this privacy notice unless otherwise required by law.

We will only keep your personal information for as long as it is necessary for the purposes set out in this privacy notice, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law (such as tax, accounting, or other legal requirements). No purpose in this notice will require us keeping your personal information for longer than eighteen (18) months past the termination of the user's account.

When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymise such information, or, if this is not possible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.


In Short: We aim to protect your personal information through a system of organisational and technical security measures.

We have implemented appropriate and reasonable technical and organisational security measures designed to protect the security of any personal information we process. However, despite our safeguards and efforts to secure your information, no electronic transmission over the Internet or information storage technology can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, so we cannot promise or guarantee that hackers, cybercriminals, or other unauthorised third parties will not be able to defeat our security and improperly collect, access, steal, or modify your information. Although we will do our best to protect your personal information, transmission of personal information to and from our Services is at your own risk. You should only access the Services within a secure environment.


In Short: We do not knowingly collect data from or market to children under 18 years of age.

We do not knowingly solicit data from or market to children under 18 years of age. By using the Services, you represent that you are at least 18 or that you are the parent or guardian of such a minor and consent to such minor dependent’s use of the Services. If we learn that personal information from users less than 18 years of age has been collected, we will deactivate the account and take reasonable measures to promptly delete such data from our records. If you become aware of any data we may have collected from children under age 18, please contact us at jose.romero@roaslink.marketing.


In Short:  You may review, change, or terminate your account at any time.

Withdrawing your consent: If we are relying on your consent to process your personal information, which may be express and/or implied consent depending on the applicable law, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us by using the contact details provided in the section 'HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US ABOUT THIS NOTICE?' below.

However, please note that this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing before its withdrawal nor, when applicable law allows, will it affect the processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.

Opting out of marketing and promotional communications: You can unsubscribe from our marketing and promotional communications at any time by replying 'STOP' or 'UNSUBSCRIBE' to the SMS messages that we send, or by contacting us using the details provided in the section 'HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US ABOUT THIS NOTICE?' below. You will then be removed from the marketing lists. However, we may still communicate with you — for example, to send you service-related messages that are necessary for the administration and use of your account, to respond to service requests, or for other non-marketing purposes.

Account Information

If you would at any time like to review or change the information in your account or terminate your account, you can:
  • Log in to your account settings and update your user account.
Upon your request to terminate your account, we will deactivate or delete your account and information from our active databases. However, we may retain some information in our files to prevent fraud, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, enforce our legal terms and/or comply with applicable legal requirements.

Cookies and similar technologies: Most Web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. If you prefer, you can usually choose to set your browser to remove cookies and to reject cookies. If you choose to remove cookies or reject cookies, this could affect certain features or services of our Services. You may also opt out of interest-based advertising by advertisers on our Services. For further information, please see our Cookie Notice: https://roaslink.marketing/content/7-politica-de-cookies.

If you have questions or comments about your privacy rights, you may email us at info@roaslink.marketing.


Most web browsers and some mobile operating systems and mobile applications include a Do-Not-Track ('DNT') feature or setting you can activate to signal your privacy preference not to have data about your online browsing activities monitored and collected. At this stage no uniform technology standard for recognising and implementing DNT signals has been finalised. As such, we do not currently respond to DNT browser signals or any other mechanism that automatically communicates your choice not to be tracked online. If a standard for online tracking is adopted that we must follow in the future, we will inform you about that practice in a revised version of this privacy notice.


In Short: Yes, we will update this notice as necessary to stay compliant with relevant laws.

We may update this privacy notice from time to time. The updated version will be indicated by an updated 'Revised' date and the updated version will be effective as soon as it is accessible. If we make material changes to this privacy notice, we may notify you either by prominently posting a notice of such changes or by directly sending you a notification. We encourage you to review this privacy notice frequently to be informed of how we are protecting your information.


If you have questions or comments about this notice, you may contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO), José Romero, by email at jose.romero@roaslink.marketing, by phone at +34633223735, or contact us by post at:

Roaslink Marketing Services SLU
José Romero
C/Ortega y Gasset 4 P5
Ogíjares, Granada 18151


Based on the applicable laws of your country, you may have the right to request access to the personal information we collect from you, change that information, or delete it. To request to review, update, or delete your personal information, please fill out and submit a data subject access request.
This privacy policy was created using Termly's Privacy Policy Generator.